Marking the 40th anniversary of Gunpla, Bandai introduces the Gunpla Evolution Project, a fresh lineup that commences with the Zeta Gundam! This exceptional offering delivers elevated flexibility for unparalleled posability, alongside precision in its proportions. The model can be transformed into the Wave Rider configuration via interchangeable parts. Additionally, it comes equipped with an arsenal that includes the Hyper Mega Launcher, a beam saber, and more. This project debut underlines Bandai's commitment to advancing the Gunpla experience.
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Marking the 40th anniversary of Gunpla, Bandai introduces the Gunpla Evolution Project, a fresh lineup that commences with the Zeta Gundam! This exceptional offering delivers elevated flexibility for unparalleled posability, alongside precision in its proportions. The model can be transformed into the Wave Rider configuration via interchangeable parts. Additionally, it comes equipped with an arsenal that includes the Hyper Mega Launcher, a beam saber, and more. This project debut underlines Bandai's commitment to advancing the Gunpla experience.
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Returns are easy, simply contact us to organize a replacement or refund. |